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News, insights, and stories from Projet Jeune Leader's work to reimagine comprehensive sexuality education across Madagascar.
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Projet Jeune Leader
Nov 9, 2021
Educators creating “brand power” for sexuality education: Ranjah's Story
The principal at Anjoma middle school was a little indifferent when Projet Jeune Leader began delivering sexuality education at his...

Projet Jeune Leader
Oct 15, 2021
"Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained": The Story of PJL Educator Lanja
“Lanja’s story is wonderful. Here’s to hoping that adolescents take on Lanja’s traits – that nothing ventured is nothing gained.”

Lilie Randrianasolo
Oct 11, 2021
Fantatrao ve fa tena tanora mana-talenta sy mpitarika tokoa ireo Jeunes Leaders ?
Telo taona izay no naha tanora mpanentan’ny Projet Jeune Leader na Jeune Leader an’i Andry sy Ronny, raha roa taona kosa izay no Jeune...

Tahiry Anjarasoa
Oct 4, 2021
Jeunes Leaders Matianina Arak’asa: Hamafisina Matetika ny Fahaiza-Manao
Amin’ity taom-pianarana 2021-2022 ity dia “Jeunes Leaders” miisa 55 indray no miparitaka manome fanabeazana momba ny fahaiza-mitarika sy...

Tahiry Anjarasoa
Sep 21, 2021
Talen-tsekoly sy Projet Jeune Leader: Miara-miasa sy mifanohana ho antoky ny hoavin’ny mpianatra
Raha tsiahivina dia sekoly vitsy tamin’ny faritra Mahatsiatra Ambony no niasan’ny tetik’asa Projet Jeune Leader tamin’ny taona 2013...

Laura Leeson
Sep 8, 2021
3 ways we promote literacy in a sex ed program
Comprehensive sexuality education (or, “sex ed”) is an evidence-based mechanism that equips young people with an understanding of their...

Tahiry Anjarasoa
Jul 20, 2021
The power of young educators and their relationships with parents and students
"PJL Educator Ravaka is wonderful to me and my family; she is kind, a role model in the community, and is non-discriminatory. Thank you...

Tahiry Anjarasoa
May 26, 2021
Tell Me Everything I Need to Know About My Period
Menstrual Hygiene Day will be celebrated around the world in a few days. As a young girl in Madagascar, I never heard of this day....

Tahiry Anjarasoa
May 11, 2021
Omeo Ahy ny Fahalalana Rehetra Hiatrehako ny Fadimbolako
Miatomboka izao ny volana Mai, andro vitsy sisa dia ho ankalazaina ilay andro manerantany ho an’ny fahadiovana mandritra ny fadimbolana....

Laura Leeson
Apr 1, 2021
How we drove cost-effectiveness with a one-school "innovation hub"
Adolescents in rural areas of Madagascar experience some of the worst health and educational outcomes in the world. Only 1 in 5 will...
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