Our Model
Our model is designed to reach vulnerable adolescents in Madagascar's most under-resourced schools and rural communities. It is intentionally simple, lean, and scalable.
At the core of our model are our Educators—agents of change empowering adolescents across rural Madagascar.
We train, equip, and support young adult Educators to provide a package of essential services in public middle schools.
Holistic Education
Our Educators teach our gender-transformative, multi-year, 108-module sexuality education and leadership curriculum.
Individualized Support
Our Educators offer youth-friendly counseling services and referrals to healthcare providers.
An Empowering Ecosystem
Our Educators lead workshops with parents on supporting adolescents and their development. They also liaise with local health services.
We're focused on one thing: comprehensive sexuality education, done right.
We don't believe in one-time sensitizations. Our program reaches adolescents over multiple years. Our Educators are embedded in their communities of work. This deepens our impact and allows us to build trust with our local constituents.
We are seeing that our approach deeply resonates with communities. By reimagining how, by who, and where sexuality education is delivered, we are increasing its attractiveness, relevance, and impact.
High Quality
Over a decade of testing and learning, we have created a world-leading program. We have developed curricula tailored to our local context, and unique approaches to recruiting, training, and supporting Educators.