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Nasolo Anjarasoa

Technical Assistant


Nasolo is one of our Technical Assistants currently based in Antsirabe. As a key member of the Jeune Leader program, he oversees its organization and effective implementation. He has also provided various technical support for the Mpanabe JeuneLeader model. An exceptional teammate, he spent four years (2019-2023) as a dynamic and dedicated educator for Projet Jeune Leader (PJL) in several middle schools in the Vakinakaratra region. Now, Nasolo is applying his passion and skills to support the next generation of PJL Educators. With his diverse training and extensive field experience, he brings valuable and unique expertise to the PJL team.

Nasolo Anjarasoa

I share the same vision as Projet Jeune Leader, so I'm really happy to contribute my experience as a former PJL Educator to help achieve that vision. I love working for and with young people!

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