New Resource: Sex Ed "We Can Count On"
News, insights, and stories from Projet Jeune Leader's work to reimagine comprehensive sexuality education across Madagascar.
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The why and how of amplifying the "community" value in sexuality education
"Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained": The Story of PJL Educator Lanja
Jeunes Leaders Matianina Arak’asa: Hamafisina Matetika ny Fahaiza-Manao
How we drove cost-effectiveness with a one-school "innovation hub"
PJL Educators as Change Agents: Insights from a most significant change activity
2020 in 20 pictures
'Our share of bricks' in preventing gender-based violence in Madagascar
“Building Forward Better:” Reclaiming COVID-19 disruptions as an opportunity
Leveraging partnerships with school directors to enhance support for sexuality education